EOA-Initiative Nigeria Pillar 3 Report

Pillar 3: Value Chain & Market Development

Country Lead Organization
Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria
Pillar Implementing Partners Western Region Northern Region Eastern Region
Value Chain & Market Development Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria Organic Fertilizers Producers and Suppliers Association of Nigeria Ikot Ekpene Women Food/Cash Crop and Multipurpose Cooperative Society


Major Achievement
Lessons Learned
Major Challenges
A database of actors was produced. The sixteen page directory entails 5 farms, 5 farmers group, 3 market and sales outlets, 2 certification and quality control organizations, 6 organizations involved in training and consultancy, 11 research institutes and 7 actors / organizations for media and advocacy Continuous capacity building is fundamental to addressing issues relating to production and marketing Size of market is still small but innovative. Demand for organic produce is greater than the supply since most farmers involved are small holders
The initiative has been able to improve the advisory capacity of officials of (atleast 10) State  and Federal ministries for PGS certification. These officers double as the EOA desk officers in their respective ministries More farmers need to be reached to meet the increasing market demand. There is the need for development of organic inputs supply chain
Through the networking activities of actors involved in this pillar, the Lagos market is explored. This compliments the online booking and SMS platform servicing hotels and organizations in Ibadan The budget line per activity is small
Over 78 inspectors have been trained to undertake PGS certification Some lead farmers are not reporting to their group. Some capacity building programme are not further made available / transferred to other members
Many farmers have been supported to exhibit at various international, regional and national trade fairs Volume of organic produce available per season cannot sustain the markets established. Issues of weed control, pest management, absence to farm machinery / inputs and continuous dependent on rain fed agriculture has limited production.

EOA-Initiative Nigeria Pillar 2 Report

Pillar 2: Information & Communication

Country Lead Organization
Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria
Pillar Implementing Partners Western Region Northern Region Eastern Region
Information & Communication Healthy Food for Consumers Initiative Federation of Agricultural Commodities Association of Nigeria Justice and Peace Development Commission


Major Achievement
Lessons Learned
Major Challenges
Using the platforms like the  African Organic Agriculture Conference and the annual NOABS, the visibility of the project has reached at least 29 countries via distribution branded material Informed consumers are looking for healthy and organic produce One major challenge is the thin budget line.  This has limited the extent of advocacy via electronic and print media in Nigeria
The capacity of farmers and extension agents in EOA practices has been improved via trainings and exposure to some print documents. In fact, some of the print materials were produced in local dialect (5 languages) The use of branded materials is important to increase visibility
There is increased sensitization on the benefits of EOA to producers, consumers and the environment Production of educational materials in local dialect enhances acceptance of the initiative
Two farmers’ resource centres were established to address increasing information need of organic farmers Information on new trends, innovation and current market price is germane for continuous production There is the need to establish more / specialise resource centre for specific value chain like cocoa


EOA-Initiative Nigeria Pillar 1 Report

Pillar 1: Research, Training and Extension RTE

Country Lead Organization
Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria
Pillar Implementing Partners Western Region Northern Region Eastern Region
Research Training and Extension University of Ibadan Kwara State University Nnamdi Azikwe University


Major Achievement
Lessons Learned
Major Challenges
A monograph on the application of local knowledge to the development of EOA and Basics and Principles of Organic Livestock and Aquaculture in the Tropics  were published Major issues identified during gap analysis are weed, pest & disease control The bureaucracy involved in fund release and retirement by University of Ibadan makes it difficult to work according to timeline
Two repositories on organic researches were developed and share to strategic stakeholders. Majority of the producers yet to engage in value addition to their produce. A few African based empirical data on organic agriculture  for documentation
The initiative has successfully supported two Masters Dgree programmes in Agricultural Extension, while support for a Ph.D is ongoing Simple farm machineries particularly for value addition are also limiting Majority of the researcher  and policy officer equate organic agriculture for organic fertilizer.
A curriculum for capacity building  in tertiary institutions  developed with relevant agencies involved in the coordination of tertiary education successfully lobbied. Editorials on the relevance of integrating EOA into tertiary educational system was published in a national daily where stakeholders opined further integration of some component in primary and secondary curricula Majority of the farmers practicing EOA are small scale farmers The technical man power required for the development of the sector in limiting.