EOA-Initiative Benin Pillar IV Report

Pillar IV: Support & cementing
Country Lead Organization: OBEPAB
Summary of Achievements
  • Inclusion of EOA into the « Plan Stratégique pour le développement du Secteur Agricole » page 36 Action 3.1.3
  • Inclusion of EOA principles in the National project on vegetable production
  • The MAEP is going to organize a workshop on EOA in the country. EOA I will be taken as an exemple
  • The General Secretary of the MAEP becomes active ambassador of EOA in the Ministry
Planned activities
Activities performed
Activity 4.1.2 +4.1.1: Many meetings took place with PIPs to review the implementation of 2015,2016 and 2017 works plan and to elaborate technical progress reports for yeras Workshop reports available
Organize at least one meeting for bringing together country partners to share experiences and lessons
Activity 4.1.3 : A multi stakeholders’ workshop. It is also an opportunity to understand deeply the EOA project document  and for exchanges on advantage EOA Sensitize organic cotton producers, conventional cotton producers, organic vegetable producers and extension agents from who came from northern part of Benin about the value of EOA in development
Sensitize various actors and stakeholders in the country about the value of EOA in development
Activity 4.1.4  : Policy gap analysis on the current policies as related to EOA development Policy gap document are used for Lobbying and inclusion of EOA into “Plan Stratégique pour le Développement du Secteur Agricole”
Undertake policy gap analysis on the current policies as related to EOA development
Activity 4.1.5: Meetings with municipalities authorities and policy makers Inclusion of EOA into “Plan Stratégique pour le Développement du Secteur Agricole”, cf. Page 36 Action 3.1.3.
Lobby for inclusion of EOA into national policy making processes, strategies and investment plans – Distribution of policy gap analysis document to policy makers at local level
– Organization of policy dialogue

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