EOA-Initiative Benin Pillar III Report

Pillar III: Value Chain & Market Development
Country Lead Organization: OBEPAB
Summary of Achievements
  • Database of actors involved in organic agriculture is established and updated every year
  • Business plan developed for some crops
  • Establishment of 8 selling points of organic products
  • Establishment of PGS and 150 vegetables growers certified
Planned activities
Activities performed
Activity 3.1.1+ 3.1.4: Database updated and a national EOA promoting organizations directory elaborated containing over 75 EOA promoting organizations The database is established and contains data about 75organic product promotors
Update the data base of actors (actors (producers, processors, traders, consumers and regulators). Publishing a directory of EOA promoting organizations in Benin and their products
Activity 3.1.2 : Linkage between the Bénin national database and other databases established in west Africa
Create linkages between the national databases and the other databases at regional  levels On going
Activity  3.1.3+ 3.1.5 : About 100 of organic farmers are in this information platform and the update of the directory of organic input is also ongoing for dissemination to them Easy access to organic market information for all stakeholders
Develop, adapt and update tools for collecting market information and data and support stakeholders to collect, analyze and disseminate market information and data
Activity 3.1.6 : 2 new organic and ecological selling points equipped with shelf to facilitate a separation between organic products and non organic products in the shops A total of 5 new EOA selling points created at end of 2016 by the project. Then a total of 8 EOA products selling points available
Support establishment of at least 3 organic farmers markets in every participating county
Activity 3.1.7: Participate in the 4th West African Organic Conference 2017, and other regional fairs Participate in the 4th West African Organic Conference 2017 in Mali
Activity 3.1.8: A kakemono edited on EOA products from CRASTEDA network Better highlight of EOA activities in Bénin
Conduct consumer awareness through media, promotional materials, mobile phones
Activities3.2.3+ 3.2.4: 15 extension agents, service providers and lead farmers trained  on value chain development A TOT training session organised for 15 extension agents, service providers and lead farmers
Support  MTs and TOTs conduct national TOTs trainings  for extension agents, lead farmers and service providers on value chain development
Activity 3.2.5: 1 Exchange visits for actors to cases of best practices organized for the northern ecological producers
Facilitate exchange visits for actors to cases of best practices
Activities 3.2.5 + 3.2.1 +3.2.2 1 Exchange visits for actors to cases of best practices organized for the northern ecological producers
Facilitate exchange visits for actors to cases of best practices
Activities 3.2.6 + 3.2.7: 2 technical economic referential are developed and sent to potential business actor in organic sector This is a better way to reach more people taking organic business initiatives
Train stakeholders  in entrepreneurship, development of business plans and support strategic business linkages with green investors
Activity: 3.3.1: Train 8  local organic inspectors A follow up of the 10 organic certification facilitators trained in 2016 is organized as an on-field activity

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