EOA Initiative Benin Pillar II Report

Pillar II: Information and Communication

Summary of Achievements
  • Pool of journalists trained to carry on organic messages to their public: messages are supplied by project members
  • Interviews on national TV, radios before any EOA important events
  • Day to day actions to affect the inclusion of EOA into the National development plan
Planned activities
Activities performed
Activities 2.1.1: EOA communication strategy document information and communication available Report available
Develop adapted training material for journalists training on EOA
Activity : 2.1.2: Elaborate a policy brief on EOA for decision markers A new communication strategy paper developed in collaboration with all project stakeholders  –
Activity : 2.1.3 : 100 T-shirts and 100 casket distributed during campaigns of sensitization for EOA promotion -T-shirts and caps produced to inform and sensitize population on the consumption of organic products
Produce communication materials (T-shirts Calendar, leaflets …) during campaigns of sensitization and distributed them
Activity 2.1.4: Creation of the site web for communication about EOA web site: www.pascib.org 
Sensitize EOA stakeholders and actors in the value chain through workshops, media, websites
Activity 2.2.1: The documentation and information center in organic agriculture received a lot of books related to EOA
Repair and equip the centre of documentation on EOA
Activity 2.2.2: 25 producer’s leaders have been trained on the using of Smartphone and social network (Facebook, WhatsApp) to inform and to communicate on EOA This training has improved producers access to the market for organic producers through ICT use
Train producer’s leaders on the using of Smartphone and social network to inform and to communicate on EOA
Activities 2.2.3: A special EOA newsletter is developed and available The issues of this newsletter are to:
Elaborate policy brief on good practices and Sensitization of policy makers • Promote information and communication about the project and good visibility• Ensure better sharing and dissemination of information between actors • Promote ownership, understanding and visibility of the actions, progress and achievements of the project
Activity : 2.2.4: 01 training session with 10 agents of radios communities on communication strategies for the EOA  –
Organizing exchange workshop on EOA and related items gathering producers, advisory service, researchers, media people (ReJEB)
Pillar II: Lessons learnt
  • The participatory approach of Producers-Researchers-NGOs is a good approach for an effective implementation of the pillar
  • The involvement of the researchers in the research on EOA makes research more credible and scientific
  • The validation of research results is a long process that depends on crop cycle and the repetition of experimentation
  • Collaboration between researchers and farmers in research results in good ownership of research results by farmers

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